



發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021/10/01 14:03:07  來源:農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部  瀏覽次數(shù):1667  
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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of People’s Republic of China held a high-level roundtable meeting on South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Shanghai, China on September 24, 2021, to promote the sustainable development of aquaculture, among others through exchanges and mutual cooperation, and "Hand-in-Hand" Initiative of FAO, and as a contribution to achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Recall the importance of The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted by FAO in 1995, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development issued by the United Nations on September 25, 2015, and The 2021 COFI Declaration for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture endorsed by FAO in 2021, to guide our efforts towards sustainable aquaculture development.

Recognize that aquaculture is a key industry not only for its contribution to food security and nutrition strategies at all levels, but also its contributions to social progress, economic development, gender equality, employment, and sustainable biodiversity use. In 2019, the total global output of fish products reached 178 million tons, of which aquaculture contributed 85.3 million tons, and over 50% of all fish directed for human consumption. Promoting the sustainable development of aquaculture helps eliminate global poverty and hunger, provides high-quality protein and micronutrients, facilitates the transformation of food systems, encourages the development of small-scale households, and has great potential to contribute to carbon neutrality and circular economy objectives.

Notice that global climate change and the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have become common challenges faced by the international community, imposing a serious impact on the sustainable development of the global aquaculture industry. Meanwhile, the current development of aquaculture worldwide is still geographically unbalanced and is insufficient to meet food demands.

Recognize that South-South and Triangular Cooperation is an effective assistance mechanism based on equality, solidarity and mutual trust. It delivers mutual benefits, which can be significant for promoting and scaling up the healthy development of aquaculture. Such mechanism could improve infrastructure, upskill technical workforces, increase the development of technological solutions, and help upgrade processing and distribution systems, while narrowing the production gap between countries. This would exert a significant impact in promoting a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy.

Consequently, we propose:

1. Support the development of low-carbon, circular and environment-friendly aquaculture. We need to balance the relationship between economic development and social and environmental protection in the development of aquaculture, taking measures tailored to local conditions, and explore high-quality development guided by low developmental footprints. We support the international community to further strengthen scientific and technological innovation in aquaculture, the development of aquaculture technology by low cost, and improve the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biodiversity. This requires mutual access and benefit sharing of aquatic genetic resources, including research and development (R&D) on new technologies and methods such as genetic breeding, aquaculture technology, aquaculture feed production, feed ingredients, disease prevention, treatment and biosecurity control, digital innovation, and artificial intelligence, so as to provide a strong scientific and technological assistance for sustainable aquaculture development.

2. Encourage countries and stakeholders with advanced aquaculture technologies to offer technical support to developing countries and regions through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, making full use of FAO’s South-South Cooperation mechanism and the “Hand-in-Hand” Initiative to jointly build alliances, capacity development and joint research, technology transfer and resource sharing platforms, and promote innovative solutions such as pond farming, integrated rice and fish farming, recirculating systems, saline and alkaline lands integrated agro-aquaculture system, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, and other nature-based aquaculture models, boosting modern aquaculture demonstration parks, accelerating the sustainable development of aquaculture, marine spatial planning, lake/reservoir carrying capacity management, sharing best practices in aquaculture governance, and thus achieve the goals of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

3. Propose that, on the basis of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, the comparative advantages of each provider country should be fully leveraged to enhance regional cooperation on aquaculture talent training and capacity building, and promote the sharing of knowledge and experience among stakeholders. Collective actions at regional and sub-regional level should be fostered through South-South and Triangular Cooperation to ensure a sustainable management and use of aquaculture resources that are jointly shared by multiple countries. Joint efforts should be made to promote the transformation and upgrading as well as international cooperation of regional and global aquaculture production, processing and trade in the post-pandemic period. Furthermore, efforts should be made to build robust global aquaculture industry chains, enhance global aquaculture talent training capabilities, and gear up the establishment of international mutual recognition of aquatic product inspection and quarantine standards and traceability systems.

4. Call on the international community to take active actions, encourage and support youth’s and women’s entrepreneurship and employment initiatives, achieve gender equality and safeguard the livelihood of traditional aquatic farmers while reducing poverty and hunger through aquaculture. We call on countries across the globe to establish sustainable investment and risk management systems and formulate public-private partnership programmes to enhance the resilience of global aquaculture development in the face of climate change, extreme weather and natural disasters, and to promote the sustainable development and economic recovery of aquaculture in the post-disaster and post-pandemic periods.

We call for stronger solidarity, shared opportunities, and closer practical cooperation in various fields of aquaculture, so as to jointly promote the sustainable development of global aquaculture, and make greater contribution to ensuring global food security, improving people’s well-being, and building a community with a shared future for mankind.



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